Christopher Drobnock - Anagama-Fired Ceramics and Other Works.
teapot- "Around The Back"
The second teapot I mentioned earlier. Made from the same clay as before the recipe is:

Juniata Studio Stoneware

1 bag Hawthorne Bond stoneware

1 bag Foundry Hill Creme- Spinks

6 ounces of Custer Feldspar
(We used to use G-200 but as that is becoming hard to come by we just switched it over to the Custer. Seems to work as well, if not better.)

3 ounces of RedArt
(To taste: Remember add too much and you'll lower the melting temperature of the clay. Don't be too concerned though as it'll take a 50 .lb bag or two to start doing anything...)

1 cup of Bentonite
(You don't have to add any of this if you don't want. Its pretty expensive, but it does help to make the clay more plastic.)

It's good to recycle your clay scraps back into the clay you are making. For the recipe above I add about a half a 50 gallon garbage can of slops into the mixer (Juniata has a really boss bread mixer from the '70s that can do about 400-500 .lbs of clay at a time). That combined with the dry material gives me what is a half batch of clay at Juniata: about 200 .lbs of clay. So to completely fill the mixer (400 .lbs) just double all the numbers.
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