Christopher Drobnock - Anagama-Fired Ceramics and Other Works.
white stoneware
This piece came out of the front of the Juniata anagama during the Fall 2009 firing. It was made with the studio's white stoneware body and was fired to cone 10 to 12.

Juniata's Studio White Clay

1 bag Edgar's Plastic Kaolin

1 bag OM4 Ball Clay

1 bag Custer Feldspar

1 bag 320 mesh Silica/Flint

As you can see above this clay is a pretty simple four part recipe. It has everything you need to have a working clay. Silica, Feldspar, Kaolin are the principle parts, and the Ball Clay gives the mix added plasticity (...and a little bit of iron; also why we can't call this a porcelain. Well we could but, critical clay folks would throw a fit).

This recipe uses a half a 60 gallon trash can worth of slops (reclaim) as well. Substitute as necessary. I didn't say this with the stoneware recipe but if you just add water to a dry batch of the clay your mix will not stay the consistency it is immediately after you make it. This is because dried clay particles are heated at the factory to get most of the physical water out so they will absorb the water you add causing the new clay to stiffen up around 24 hours to 3 days after you mixed it! A smart potter will always use some reclaim in their clay to give it plasticity and keep it the right consistency longer.
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